Ironcap Swordsmen
2 Star Unit · Max Level 18 · 100 Leadership
Chivalric Era
Melee Infantry
Unit Count : 28
Sword & Shield Infantry
Melee Infantry
ShieldbearersRanged damage is reduced while unit is using shields.
Assault TroopsThis unit is best used to charge the enemy, as they will cause more damage when attacking.
Shock TroopsThis unit is most effective when charging an enemy unit, rather than in sustained melee.
Damage Penalty vs heroes (charge)Charging damage dealt to heroes by this unit's charging skills reduced by 15%.
The unit spreads out a little to lessen the damage from ranged attacks

The shield wall is a tightly packed formation intended to defend in one direction.

Shield Wall
A narrow formation effective for charging under enemy fire.

Column (Heavy)
Unit Orders
Order your units to charge a designated location.
Inflicts high damage on enemies charged in the path to the designated location.
Charging soliders take less damage

Shield Rush
The unit forms up on their commander, gaining a temporary speed boost to do so.

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