4.5 Star Unit · Max Level 24 · 245 Leadership
Heroic Era
Wolves of Ragnarok
Unit Count : 8
NorthlandersLeadership value is decreased by 10 during season VII.
RageThis unit builds up Rage by fighting which then powers its other skills.
FrenzyBerserkers can go into a frenzied state if they are in combat long enough.
This greatly enhances their attributes, but renders them uncontrollable.
Battle MadnessEach time the Berserkers launch an attack, their slashing damage is increased by 20 points and their damage resist is increased by 5%.
Lasts 4.5 seconds. Can stack up to 10 times. Upon reaching 10 stacks, Berserkers recover HP.
Damage Penalty vs heroes (berserk)Damage dealt to heroes by this unit while berserk reduced by 30%.
The Unit stands in two ranks, making it superior at making frontal attacks

The unit stands in a loose formation to lessen the impact of enemy attacks.

Dispersed (small)
Unit Orders
The Berserkers charge with their axes, knocking the enemy down, inflicting a lot of damage and acquiring
a small amount of Rage.

Odin's Charge
The Berserkers swing their axes quickly and unleash an area attack while consuming a small amount of Rage.
Berserkers also get 4 stacks of Battle Madness.

Berserker Assault
When Frenzied, the unit takes significantly less damage, inflicts more damage, and is immune to crowd control debuffs,
but cannot be given orders.
