Kriegsrat Fusiliers
4.5 Star Unit · Max Level 24 · 245 Leadership
Heroic Era
Ranged Infantry
Unit Count : 21
Archer Infantry
Firearm Infantry
Melee FightersThis unit is great in melee combat.
FirearmsThis unit is armed with firearms such as arquebusiers or firelances.
These offer excellent damage and armor penetration but poor accuracy.
Resist FlameThis unit's armor is less vulnerable to thermal weapons.
Damage Penalty vs heroes (ranged)Ranged damage dealt to heroes by this unit reduced by 25%.
The unit spreads out a little to lessen the damage from ranged attacks

The unit forms three ranks. Good for concentrating fire.

Three Ranks
Unit Orders
The unit fires at a particular spot. Good for blocking breaches in your lines.

Focus Fire (Suppress)