5 Star Unit · Max Level 30 · 300 Leadership
Golden Era
Wrath of the Nomads
Unit Count : 21
Melee Cavalry
Relentless RaidAfter charging, unit can charge again to break through enemy ranks.
Resist Flame (War)This unit takes reduced damage from thermal weapons
such as hellfire and Scorpios.
Damage Penalty vs heroes (charge)Charging damage dealt to heroes by this unit's charging skills reduced by 15%.
The unit spreads out a little to lessen the damage from ranged attacks

The unit stands in two ranks making it better at frontal attacks.

Line (Frontal Staggered)
A narrow formation effective for charging under enemy fire.

Wedge (Heavy)
Unit Orders
The unit charges to the designated location.
Damage taken during Heroic Charge is reduced by 20%.
After 10 seconds or upon arrival the unit activates 'Turn and Charge' and charges towards your location, doing 20% more slashing damage while taht effect is active.

Heroic Charge
The unit immediately turns and charges towards your position.
During this time, the unit deals an additional 20% slashing damage.

Turn and Charge
Passive: Kheshigs use their sabers to launch continuous attacks that inflict bleeding that cannot be stopped.
Active: Kheshigs launch a gale-force attack for 5 seconds.
At the same time, their posture weakens, reducing ranged damage.
For 10 seconds after the skill ends, the Kheshigs' attack rate is reduced.

Sabre Combo