Falconetti Gunners
5 Star Unit · Max Level 30 · 300 Leadership
Golden Era
Soldiers of Fortune
Unit Count : 10
Ranged Infantry
Soldiers of FortuneDuring season III this unit's leadership cost is reduced by 10% and to
replace its kit costs 50% less.
Light ArtilleryArmed with light artillery pieces unable to fight in melee.
Gunnery OfficerCan fire at beyond visual range, but fire must be directed by the player using the focus fire order.
EncumberedThis unit is burdened with heavy equipment and thus cannot push siege engines or climb ladders.
The unit spreads out a little to lessen the damage from ranged attacks

A formation intended to maximaze the unit's field of fire.

Line (Staggered-Fire)
Unit Orders
The unit fires at a particular spot. Good for blocking breaches in your lines.

Focus Fire (Suppress)
This unit must set up its guns before it can fire. The unit will be immobile while this order is active.

Set Up Weapons